Friday, October 7, 2011

Raising chickens indoors... in Astoria...

I'm going out of town to visit my family this weekend so there will be a slight lull in posts for a few days; however, for non-Jewish (or non-fasting at least) Astorians looking for a very unique experience on Saturday, you should definitely head to the Broadway branch of the Queens Library in Astoria for what has to be a fascinating and obscure lecture by a couple who are raising chickens in their Astoria apartment for fresh eggs.

Source: Nicholas Fevelo from NY Daily News Article (listed below)
The three hens apparently have the run of their one bedroom apartment excluding the bedroom and lay two eggs per week, not too shabby for them!  But the couple does admit that the hens poop everywhere... Not sure how smart that is given the size of NYC apartments...!

Apparently the couple, Robert McMinn and Jules Corkery, give lectures on city chicken-keeping at local libraries and urban gardens so hopefully I can catch a future talk of theirs as it is definitely a unique idea!  To read the full news article, click here.

For those keeping Yom Kippur, hope you have an easy fast.  Look out for a new post Monday when I return!

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