Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rediscovered Mexican breakfast pastry!

J and I traveled to Mexico City back in 2009 and discovered these amazing pastries that we had never seen before called pan dulce.  Basically it is a sweet bread with a sprinkling of sugar on top and it's delicious!  We had it several times while there and since we've been back, I've had cravings for it occasionally, but never expected to fulfill them until my next trip to Mexico.

Lo and behold, half a block from our apartment is a Mexican bakery (Temascales Deli & Bakery, 25-22 30th Ave) and what do you think I found in the window display??  You guessed it!  Pan dulce!  The bakery has tons of delicious tortillas, pastries, and other mexican delicacies that I'm sure we'll be sampling over the coming year.  They also have a full-service restaurant that we're dying to try so I'm sure you'll be hearing about this place again on a future food update!

But in the meantime, I'd just like to thank Astoria for fulfilling all of my random food cravings!

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