Monday, February 13, 2012

Coffee heaven

After reading a really enticing New Yorker article on authentic coffee and proper preparation, we began to seek out locally roasted and pour over coffee to try it out for ourselves.  One of the nearby Astoria coffee shops/restaurants, Queens Kickshaw, fits the bill and has quickly become a favorite of ours.  In addition to great coffee (which really is in a class of its own), they have unbelievable grilled cheese sandwiches and a great ambiance.  It's definitely worth a check out and, if coffee isn't your thing, they also have a wide selection of teas, homemade sodas, craft beers, and wine.

For those intrigued by pour over coffee, the gist is that by pouring hot (but not boiling) water slowly over freshly ground beans, you'll extract more flavor than traditional brewing allows.  True believers treat it like different wines and describe the flavors that way too (e.g. chocolate, different fruits, leather, etc.).  I'm not quite sure I taste these different flavors, but it's definitely a great cup each time I have it! 

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