Thursday, February 23, 2012

Outer borough city services

It's no shock that residents from NYC boroughs other than Manhattan often complain that the city services are lacking in the outer boroughs.  Our main concern when purchasing a car and choosing to street park it was snow removal, especially given the blizzards and horrible outer borough snow removal response that the city was criticized for last year.  Thankfully (knock on wood) we have not had to test out the city's response on that yet this year given the mild winter.

Nevertheless, I have noticed that the city's public trash can collection services are a bit slacking in Astoria.  Case in point - the image below was taken of a trash can that looks this full probably 9 out of every 10 times that I pass it.  Funny enough there used to be another trash can directly across the street from this one that was always equally full, but as of last Monday it has mysteriously disappeared.  While I'm happy to report that I haven't seen a spike in litter rates on that corner as of yet, I do hope the city begins to realize that Astorians do deposit trash just like Manhattanites!

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