Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The characters of Astoria

Astoria is not only unique in its diversity, but also its characters!  Meet a few of the interesting people that I've encountered on my block alone since moving out here:

  • Jimmy: my neighbor who is often found hanging out outside the entrance way to our building; anytime I have seen the UPS man on our block (3 times thus far), Jimmy is always chatting with him and walking with him from delivery to delivery 
  • Neighbor #2: I don't know his name, but he's always leaning against a car outside the entrance way to our building smoking a cigarette nine times out of ten when I come and go from the building! He always has a smile on his face and a friendly hello when we pass, but I can't get past the fact that he is always wearing a sweatshirt and jeans... even when the temperatures were reaching well past 100!
  • The neighborhood gossipers: several groups of men (sometimes Greek, sometimes Eastern European) sit on the benches outside the park at the end of my block and kibbitz all evening long. I often see my super hanging out with one of the usual groups and regardless of whose group's turn it is, it's always a packed bench!

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