Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Does your grocery store offer this?!

Don't think I'll ever get used to the unique selection of foods available in Astoria!  Here is a selection of what I found today at the grocery store (just a small fraction of the unique produce from around the world).

Starting in Latin America: Yuca anyone? Not pictured but surrounding this heaping pile of yuca was many kinds of chilis, plaintains, and several banana varieties!

Moving on to India (from left to right): Tomatillos, Indian Cactus Fruit, Green Mangos for cooking, and Indian Squash - does your grocery store stock any of these items???

And finally, moving on to China I came across Chinese okra. Who knew okra came in such a large size?!

Yum yum!  Can't wait to cook dishes with these great veggies!

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